Data security is an integral part of recycling electronics. LAN Global strictly adheres to the
National Institute of Standards and Technology and the U.S. Department of Commerce for the handling
of Information Security.
These regulations have increased governments’ and businesses’ need to properly dispose of confidential
data when retiring end-of-life equipment. After a device is collected by LAN Global it is assessed to
determine if it can be refurbished, recycled for parts or if it needs to be destroyed.
For items that can be refurbished or used for parts, LAN Global wipes these devices in accordance
with Department of Defense standards, ensuring that 100 percent of data is destroyed. The item is then either refurbished or broken down for parts, which are then used to repair other electronic devices.
All working data is stored on a secure internal network that is only accessible via multi-tiered
permissions that are password protected, and reside behind firewall systems
(hardware/software). Sensitive data such as password information is stored on a secure server
that is only accessible via global administrator privilege. Sensitive information is only passed on to relevant concerned parties. Data security can be further tailored to meet the specifications of individual client’s requirements.